Always in the Write | Why I Chose My Blog Name

I’ve had a lot of compliments on my blog name, and being honest I’m actually quite proud of it – I think it might be the highest quality thing to come out of the cloud of dissertation preparation that was November 2015!ย  At the time I was thinking about what the hell I was going to do come graduation (tip: don’t take 8 months to figure this out and still not come up with anything!!), and decided that a blog would at the very least keep me writing, even if I wasn’t in a relevant job. A stroke of genius while trying to think of decent literary puns led to me saving Always in the Write on WordPress. I left it to be picked up when I had more time. I didn’t have more time until May, but I did pick it up – which if I’m being honest was a bit of a miracle. Looking back I probably should’ve planned ahead and written at least some ideas down in the months between coming up with the name and actually going live, but I’m not that clever. At least I went and did it, and I havenโ€™t given up yet.




Here we are, still. I’m not in a relevant job yet, but the blog still motivates me to write. I’m invested in this now – this isn’t just a way to hone skills or something that looks good on a CV, this is something I truly care about and want to do well.

That’s great Ro, but why did you choose the damn name?

On to the name itself, there are several reasons I chose it –

  1. As I said before, I love a good pun.
  2. I AM always in the right. Ask anyone.
  3. I wanted this to be about my writing. I didn’t want to lose my love of writing (and reading) and I thought that if I had it in my blog name I’d be more inclined to, y’know, write. I committed to going into a writing job after initially planning on going in to teaching – keeping writing as a focus in my life and blog is a way to ensure I don’t lose focus or touch with my goals.
  4. Hello, it’s genius. I’m a genius. Perfect match.
  5. As cheesy as it sounds, it felt right. I’m a big believer in my own intuition and I had a good feeling about this name – perhaps like wands the blog name chooses the blogger…or I’m just a genius (see point 4)

I really like my blog name. I think it’s cute, clever and sums up what I want the blog to reflect – good quality, interesting writing and lots of books! I did think of it while the goal was to have a more creative writing focused blog, but I still think it fits me and my written voice well.

That’s my opinion, what’s yours? How did you choose your blog name and what do you think of it now?

See you soon,


Last Post: Review Wednesday | Purple Hibiscus

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Charlie Sunny
I’ve been binging It’s Always Sunny again.

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21. Writer. Dog Lover.

4 thoughts on “Always in the Write | Why I Chose My Blog Name”

  1. I loved your blog name as soon as I saw it, which I think was in a tag post by someone. It definitely made me click the link! Good job. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Mine is my name (well, the name I use for my creative endeavours) because it started as a more general me-website. It still is, it hosts my portfolio, or what I’ve uploaded of my portfolio so far, I release new work, I blog about myself and my life as well as books and reading. It just seemed like a good idea to keep it simple. However, if you go to, that also leads to my website because I am either keychild or keychilde everywhere. That name came from my obsession with keys amd I still love it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Thank you! Using your own name is a great idea too, I agree that it’s good to keep it simple! Long names get confusing and can’t be used for any urls/usernames. That’s a good name! Where did an obsession with keys come from? ๐Ÿ˜Š

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      1. I’m not entirely sure. I’ve just always loved them, then I found Kingdom Hearts which only gave me an even bigger obsession. ๐Ÿ˜› I collect antique keys, I have somewhere around 80 at the moment (the first one I bought is tattooed on my right wrist). I love the shapes and the weight, and that they open doors and the doors could lead to anywhere. They just fascinate me a lot. I love to imagine where the doors led to, or what the boxes/cabinets held for my tiny ones. They’re beautiful!

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